Wednesday, April 7, 2010

GOW2 4 PC?

IGN picked up on an unconfirmed rumor which sees a PC listing for Gears of War 2 complete with temporary box art, release date and UPC code.According to one website, there were plenty of details that appeared to be pulled from an upcoming press release and even a preliminary box shot with the Games for Windows logo stamped on the front and limited edition details.
 If this were true, this would be a large boost to the seemingly dead Games for Windows platform, particularly after a non-existent showing at this year's E3, where none of the titles shown displayed the banner or Live logo on the box.
When pressed, Microsoft denied that a PC version of Gears of War 2 was coming, saying "There are no plans to bring the game to the PC." 's page for the rumor

Its sad alright. Being a PC gamer from day one and not turning to consoles simply because they cost three times their MRP in SL, I remember the pain I went through just to get the game running. The first copy installed in fifty minutes, marveled at the beauty of all the rendering and gore. I played up to the level of The Tomb. Got ripped apart by the Berserker nearly 25 times and then I gave up out of frustration. I got the game 6 months later and was disappointing to find out it did not work. I ended buying six copies of the game, my last in '09 and then found out it was all due to a certificate expiry that the game crashed at the point of initializing. All I had to do was change the date, and presto, my six copies of the game and countless hours trying to install the damn thing payed off with me finishing it on all skill levels. Started with the multiplayer after that and made it a point to make the title my favorite past time. Its April, 2010 and I haven't played the second title yet :'(... That's so fucking sad

Fuck Cliffy..
Fuck Epic...
...and Fuck Games for Microsoft

My tribute to the first title! Fucking love this!

Darksiders for PC!

THQ has announced that biblical romp Darksiders is heading to PC this June.
Original developer Vigil Games is handling the adaptation and has "meticulously" recreated the PS3 and Xbox 360 game released at the beginning of 2010.
The press release mentioned user-defined resolutions, interface and keyboard/controller support, but there's no mention of any flashy 3D or DirectX 11 features yet.

Wicked Tats

Babe Of The Day Apr/07


The rollout of the HD 5800 and 5700 series was accompanied
by a ton of hoo-hah over their built-in Eyefi nity multimonitor
display technology, which connects up to three
monitors to a single card—and future iterations will support
up to six! That’s cool, but demonstrations show gamers
playing on nearly bezel-free displays perfectly aligned in a
rectangular grid. It’s impressive, but I don’t see anything like
this happening in my own home anytime soon. Although
fl ight-sim fans might rig up a three-across and one-on-top
display arrangement, I doubt many of us are eager to tile
our mismatched LCDs with their thick bezels into “a large
integrated display surface for the ultimate wide-screen
home theater display,” as ATI enthusiastically suggests.